Low Carbon Strategies Workgroup
/ Objective
The Low Carbon Strategies Workgroup (LCS) will help ESC members stay abreast of regulatory, business, and technological issues. This workgroup will address the move to drastically reduce fossil fuel energy consumption and will provide valuable information to natural gas utilities as they contemplate how best to operate in a low carbon environment.
This workgroup will focus on an array of low carbon strategies such as:
- Zero Net Energy Strategies for Residential and Commercial Customers
- Renewable Natural Gas
- Power to Gas
- Carbon Capture Technologies / Carbon Sequestration
Note that there are other strategies for lowering carbon such as Energy Efficiency, Natural Gas Vehicles, and emerging technologies such as mCHP or gas heat pumps. ESC currently has other consortia or workgroups that are generally dealing with these three items.

Participation in this workgroup is free and available to all ESC members and will not be time consuming or burdensome. The LCS Workgroup will meet at 2 of our annual Technology and Market Assessment Forums and undertake a few conference calls a year as appropriate. As an information exchange vehicle, the workgroup will strive to provide the following to ESC members:
- A forum where utility staff can exchange information and viewpoints on local or regional low carbon trends
- Information in identifying the role of natural gas in a low carbon environment, and on gas equipment that may provide solutions within the realm of this environment
- Opportunities to hear from other organizations (government, advocacy, non-profit, R&D) about their perspectives and strategies
- Information on how national and regional codes and standards play a role in low carbon policy
- Comparisons of US vs Canadian approaches to low carbon
- Strategies to help LDCs answer customer questions about the impact of low carbon policies