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Gas Heat Pump Consortium

/ Objectives

Gas Heat Pumps (GHP) save customers a significant amount of heating and/or water heating energy and have the potential to provide space cooling as well.  Gas heat pumps can reduce greenhouse gas emissions across various climates for residential, commercial & industrial customers.

The consortium objective is to prepare communication and marketing outreach materials as well as studies and tools to more effectively alert and educate end users, engineers, architects, consultants, installers, contractors, and trade allies about this higher efficiency, lower carbon HVAC option. The consortium will initially focus on the commercial market where products are currently commercially available. Consortium members will decide which type of products and messaging are best suited to their service territories.  This consortium will work to complement other industry wide GHP efforts.

Participation in this consortium is free and available to all ESC members and will not be time consuming or burdensome.

GHP Website